Mobile NMR Relaxometry Platform

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Welcome to the Open Source Mobile NMR Relaxometry Platform repository on github.

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After presenting this project at ISMRM 2013, I received several questions about the future direction for the platform. At the moment there are numerous possible improvements to the hardware:

  1. Further minitiarization (we estimate the platform could be shrunk by a factor of three or so without compromise).

  2. Wider frequency range (for very low field work)

  3. Addition of gradient amplifiers (imaging)

  4. Greater processing power, for standalone data processing.

Such improvements should be driven by the intended applications of the platform, and at this time we have not settled on any applications to explore. Until we decide what sort of applications are worth pursuing, we will probably hold off on any major hardware revisions.

We are, of course, open to any and all suggestions.

Mike Twieg mdt24@case.edu


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