
This repository includes php-fpm, node, nginx

Primary LanguageDockerfile

This repository contains docker image based ubuntu including the php-fpm 8.3, nodejs 20lts, npm latest, nginx and following Linux and PHP along with composer extensions

If you want to change the php or node version you can pass the build arguments PHP_VERSION NODE_VERSION NPM_VERSION


  1. nginx
  2. bash-completion
  3. zlib1g-dev
  4. librabbitmq-dev
  5. libpq-dev
  6. libmemcached-dev
  7. libmemcached11
  8. postgresql-client
  9. git
  10. unzip
  11. zip
  12. supervisor


  1. gd
  2. pcntl
  3. opcache
  4. pdo
  5. pdo_pgsql
  6. pgsql
  7. redis
  8. bcmath
  9. intl
  10. zip
  11. sockets
  12. igbinary
  13. memcached
  14. xdebug

The xdebug is disabled by default you can enable it by simply adding the following line in your docker file

RUN docker-php-ext-enable xdebug >/dev/null