
Comprehensive course materials for 'Linux for Cyber Security', covering everything from basic Linux fundamentals to advanced security practices. Includes lectures, assignments, scripts, and additional resources aimed at equipping students with the skills needed to use Linux effectively in cybersecurity roles.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Linux for Cyber Security Course

Welcome to the "Linux for Cyber Security Course" repository. This course is designed to introduce students to the world of Linux with a specific focus on its application in cybersecurity. Through this course, students will gain foundational knowledge of Linux's history, philosophy, and various distributions, while also learning to manage and secure Linux environments effectively.

Course Structure

This repository is organized to follow the course structure, with each major topic represented as a directory containing further resources, lecture notes, and assignments.


  1. Introduction to Linux
    • History of Linux
    • Philosophy of Free Software
    • Overview of Linux Distributions
    • Real-World Applications
  2. System Installation and Architecture
    • Installation of Debian and RedHat
    • Understanding *nix Architecture
    • Secure Installation Practices
    • Understanding the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy
  3. Boot Process and Security
    • Detailed Linux Boot Process
    • Security of the Boot Process
    • Implementing Full Disk Encryption
  4. Command Line Mastery
    • Basic to Advanced Command Line Operations
    • File and Directory Management
    • Introduction to Shell Scripting for Automating Tasks
  5. Networking and Firewalls
    • Networking Basics and Advanced Configuration
    • Configuring and Securing Firewalls
    • Setting Up Secure Remote Connections (SSH, OpenVPN)
  6. User and Permission Management
    • User and Group Management Strategies
    • Implementing and Managing File Permissions and Ownership
    • Secure Configuration of Sudo and User Privileges
  7. Package and Software Management
    • Managing Packages Using RPM, APT, and From Source Installations
    • Ensuring Secure and Up-to-Date Software Environments
  8. Scheduled Tasks and Process Management
    • Configuring Cron Jobs and At Tasks
    • Managing Processes Using Tools Like ps, top, htop, kill
  9. System Monitoring and Logs
    • Tools and Practices for Effective System Monitoring
    • Log Management Techniques Using Syslog, Logrotate, and Other Tools
  10. Linux Hardening and Network Security
  • Strategies for System Hardening
  • Advanced Network Security Configurations
  • Introduction to Penetration Testing Tools and Methodologies
  1. Linux Security Fundamentals (Newly added)
  • Basic Security Concepts
  • Security Features and Configurations
  • Security Tools and Best Practices
  • Practical Security Enhancements
  1. Advanced Linux Features (Previously Topic 11)
  • Kernel Upgrades and Configurations
  • Advanced Filesystem Management with LVM and RAID Setups
  • Advanced System Administration Techniques

Getting Started

To get started with the course, clone this repository and navigate to each module directory to access the respective contents, which include:

  • Lectures: Detailed markdown files or slides for each subtopic.
  • Assignments: Practical tasks and projects designed to enhance learning and application of topics covered.
  • Resources: Additional resources like links to further readings, videos, and official documentation.


Contributions to the course are welcome. If you have suggestions for improvements or additional content, please submit a pull request or create an issue.


This course and all associated content are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, reflecting our commitment to free and open-source software education.


For more information or queries regarding the course, please create an issue in this repository.

Linux for Cyber Security Course

Welcome to the "Linux for Cyber Security Course" repository. This course is designed to introduce students to the world of Linux with a specific focus on its application in cybersecurity. Through this course, students will gain foundational knowledge of Linux's history, philosophy, and various distributions, while also learning to manage and secure Linux environments effectively.

Course Structure

This repository is organized to follow the course structure, with each major topic represented as a directory containing further resources, lecture notes, and assignments.


  1. Introduction to Linux
    • History of Linux
    • Philosophy of Free Software
    • Overview of Linux Distributions
    • Real-World Applications
  2. System Installation and Architecture
    • Installation of Debian and RedHat
    • Understanding *nix Architecture
    • Secure Installation Practices
    • Understanding the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy
  3. Boot Process and Security
    • Detailed Linux Boot Process
    • Security of the Boot Process
    • Implementing Full Disk Encryption
  4. Command Line Mastery
    • Basic to Advanced Command Line Operations
    • File and Directory Management
    • Introduction to Shell Scripting for Automating Tasks
  5. Networking and Firewalls
    • Networking Basics and Advanced Configuration
    • Configuring and Securing Firewalls
    • Setting Up Secure Remote Connections (SSH, OpenVPN)
  6. User and Permission Management
    • User and Group Management Strategies
    • Implementing and Managing File Permissions and Ownership
    • Secure Configuration of Sudo and User Privileges
  7. Package and Software Management
    • Managing Packages Using RPM, APT, and From Source Installations
    • Ensuring Secure and Up-to-Date Software Environments
  8. Scheduled Tasks and Process Management
    • Configuring Cron Jobs and At Tasks
    • Managing Processes Using Tools Like ps, top, htop, kill
  9. System Monitoring and Logs
    • Tools and Practices for Effective System Monitoring
    • Log Management Techniques Using Syslog, Logrotate, and Other Tools
  10. Linux Hardening and Network Security
  • Strategies for System Hardening
  • Advanced Network Security Configurations
  • Introduction to Penetration Testing Tools and Methodologies
  1. Linux Security Fundamentals
  • Basic Security Concepts
  • Security Features and Configurations
  • Security Tools and Best Practices
  • Practical Security Enhancements
  1. Advanced Linux Features
  • Kernel Upgrades and Configurations
  • Advanced Filesystem Management with LVM and RAID Setups
  • Advanced System Administration Techniques

Getting Started

To get started with the course, clone this repository and navigate to each module directory to access the respective contents, which include:

  • Lectures: Detailed markdown files or slides for each subtopic.
  • Assignments: Practical tasks and projects designed to enhance learning and application of topics covered.
  • Resources: Additional resources like links to further readings, videos, and official documentation.


Contributions to the course are welcome. If you have suggestions for improvements or additional content, please submit a pull request or create an issue.


This course and all associated content are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, reflecting our commitment to free and open-source software education.


For more information or queries regarding the course, please create an issue in this repository.