
:bell: Telegram Handler which allows you log messages to telegram channels using bots

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram Handler for php monolog which allows you to log messages into telegram channels using bots .

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License


telegram handler demo screenshot


Install using composer:

composer require rahimi/monolog-telegram  


it is just like other monolog handlers, you need to pass below paramaters to telegramhandler object:

  • $token your bot token provided by BotFather
  • $channel your telegram channel userName
  • $date_default_timezone_set is the timezone identifier, like 'UTC' or 'Europe/Lisbon', that will be used as the default timezone by all date/time functions (optional, default value 'UTC')
  • $dateFormat pass date format (optional, default value 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
  • $timeOut timeout value in seconds for connection to Telegram servers when sending the log message (optional, default value 100). Use 0 to wait indefinitely.


Now Simply use it like this :

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Monolog\Logger;
use rahimi\TelegramHandler\TelegramHandler;
$log = new Logger('TelegramHandler');
$log->pushHandler(new TelegramHandler($token,$channel,'UTC','F j, Y, g:i a',60));

$log->info('hello world !');
* There is 8 level of logging
$log->notice('hello world !');
$log->info('hello world !');
$log->debug('hello world !');
$log->warning('hello world !');
$log->critical('hello world !');
$log->alert('hello world !');
$log->emergency('hello world !');
$log->error('hello world !');

* Optionally you can pass second paramater such as a object
$log->info('user just logged in !',['user'=>$user]);


This tool in Licensed under MIT, so feel free to fork it and make it better that it is !