Primary LanguageJava


IEMDB is a responsive web application inspired by IMDB, developed as a course project for the Internet Engineering course at the University of Tehran.

Some Features

  • Movie Listings: Browse a comprehensive list of movies.
  • Movie Ratings: Rate movies and view average ratings.
  • Comments: Post comments on movies.
  • Comment Voting: Upvote or downvote comments.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration using OAuth and JWT.

Technologies Used

  • Maven: Project management and build automation.
  • JUnit: Unit testing framework.
  • JSP (JavaServer Pages): MVC architecture.
  • HTML/CSS: Front-end design.
  • React: Dynamic user interfaces.
  • JPA (Java Persistence API): Database interaction.
  • OAuth and JWT: User authentication.
  • Docker: Containerization.
  • Kubernetes: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
