
lit - a lightweight version control system written in C++

Primary LanguageC++


lit is a lightweight version control system like git (but much simpler).

This project is done as one assignment for the course 703807 Advanced C++ programming at UIBK. A detailed description can be found here.

Known Issues / TODOs / Comments

  • merging with conflicts is not implemented
    • merges are assumed to be conflict free
  • graph printing fails if there are two many branches
    • there are only 20 columns available for printing
  • not every command implements proper error handling - the program may crash on invalid inputs
  • format of graph printing is a little bit different as in specification; for example, a graph could look like this:
	o  ┐                ⇽ r4: merge r2 into r2
	|  o                r3: add file2
	o  |                r2: add line three
	o  ┘                r1: add line two
	o                   r0: add file1