
custom domain name > API Gateway (via CloudFront) > Lambda (Node.js)



A Route53 hosted zone must exist. Also,

npm install
export AWS_REGION=<enter your AWS region id here>
export DOMAIN_NAME=<enter your domain here>

Install an IAM policy for the serverless-domain-manager sls plugin

HOSTED_ZONE_ID=<enter your zone id here>

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amplify-education/serverless-domain-manager/4f5bc85ce023d22f1342e897a423a8eaeac19cf7/scripts/cloudformation/serverless-domain-manager-deploy-policy.yaml

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name serverless-domain-manager \
  --template-body file://serverless-domain-manager-deploy-policy.yaml \
  --parameters ParameterKey=HostedZoneId,ParameterValue="$HOSTED_ZONE_ID" \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Finally, go to the IAM console and add the newly created serverless managed policy to your user.

Install the service (Function and API)

sls deploy

Create DNS mapping for API Gateway

sls create_domain