Api-Gateway Controller (name to be changed)


The API Gateway Controller manages Istio VirtualServices and Oathkeeper Rule. The controller allows to expose services using instances of the apirule.gateway.kyma-project.io custom resource (CR).


  • recent version of Go language with support for modules (e.g: 1.12.6)
  • make
  • kubectl
  • kustomize
  • access to K8s environment: minikube or a remote K8s cluster


Deploy to the cluster

Deploys the officially released Controller version to the cluster

  • ensure the access to a Kubernetes cluster is configured in ~/.kube/config
  • make install to install necessary Custom Resource Definitions
  • make deploy to deploy controller

Run the controller locally

This procedure is the fastest way to run the Controller, useful for development purposes

  • start Minikube or ensure the access to a Kubernetes cluster is configured in ~/.kube/config
  • make install to install necessary Custom Resource Definitions
  • go run main.go --jwks-uri="$JWKS_URI" --oathkeeper-svc-address="$OATHKEEPER_SVC_ADDRESS" --oathkeeper-svc-port=$OATHKEEPER_SVC_PORT --domain-allowlist=$DOMAIN_ALLOWLIST

Deploy a custom Controller build to the local Minikube cluster

This procedure is useful to test your own Controller build end-to-end in a local Minikube cluster.

  • start Minikube
  • make build to build the binary and run tests
  • eval $(minikube docker-env)
  • make build-image to put the docker image inside running Minikube
  • make install to install necessary Custom Resource Definitions
  • make deploy-dev to deploy controller

Use command-line flags

Name Required Description Example values
oathkeeper-svc-address YES Ory oathkeeper-proxy service address. ory-oathkeeper-proxy.kyma-system.svc.cluster.local
oathkeeper-svc-port YES Ory oathkeeper-proxy service port. 4455
metrics-addr NO The address the metric endpoint binds to. :8080
jwks-uri YES Default jwksUri in the Policy. any string
enable-leader-election YES Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager. any string
service-blocklist NO List of services to be blocklisted. kubernetes.default
domain-allowlist NO List of domains that can be exposed. All domains are allowed if empty kyma.local
default-domain-name NO A default domain name for hostnames with no domain provided. kyma.local
cors-allow-origins NO Comma-separated list of allowed origins. regex:.*,prefix:https://developer.org
cors-allow-methods NO Comma-separated list of allowed methods. GET,POST,DELETE
cors-allow-headers NO Comma-separated list of allowed headers. Authorization,Content-Type
generated-objects-labels NO Comma-separated list of key-value pairs used to label generated objects. managed-by=api-gateway

Custom Resource

The apirule.gateway.kyma-project.io CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) is a detailed description of the kind of data and the format the API Gateway Controller listens for. To get the up-to-date CRD and show the output in the yaml format, run this command:

kubectl get crd apirule.gateway.kyma-project.io -o yaml

Sample custom resource

This is a sample custom resource (CR) that the API-gateway listens for to expose a service.

apiVersion: gateway.kyma-project.io/v1alpha1
kind: APIRule
  name: jwt-all-with-scopes
  gateway: kyma-gateway.kyma-system.svc.cluster.local
    name: foo-service
    port: 8080
    host: foo.bar
    - path: /.*
      methods: ["GET"]
      mutators: []
        - handler: jwt
            trusted_issuers: ["http://dex.kyma.local"]
            required_scope: ["foo", "bar"]

This table lists all the possible parameters of a given resource together with their descriptions:

Field Mandatory Description
metadata.name YES Specifies the name of the exposed API
spec.gateway YES Specifies Istio Gateway.
spec.service.name, spec.service.port YES Specifies the name and the communication port of the exposed service.
spec.service.host YES Specifies the service's communication address for inbound external traffic. If only the leftmost label is provided, the default domain name will be used.
spec.rules YES Specifies array of rules.
spec.rules.path YES Specifies the path of the exposed service.
spec.rules.methods YES Specifies the list of HTTP request methods available for spec.rules.path.
spec.rules.mutators NO Specifies array of Oathkeeper mutators.
spec.rules.accessStrategies YES Specifies array of Oathkeeper authenticators.

Additional information

When you fetch an existing APIRule CR, the system adds the status section which describes the status of the Virtual Service and the Rule created for this CR. This table lists the fields of the status section.

Field Description
status.apiRuleStatus Status code describing the APIRule CR.
status.virtualServiceStatus.code Status code describing the Virtual Service.
status.virtualService.desc Current state of the Virtual Service.
status.accessRuleStatus.code Status code describing the Oathkeeper Rule.
status.accessRuleStatus.desc Current state of the Oathkeeper Rule.

Status codes

These are the status codes used to describe the Virtual Services and Rules:

Code Description
OK Resource created.
SKIPPED Skipped creating a resource.
ERROR Resource not created.