
Primary LanguagePython


#Badr #Mohamed #Chaos


To Do list

* Create a crawler

Script which scrapes from an app name the reviews from the past month on google play store and outputs into a csv. It takes app_name, source (currently only Playstore), start_date (today) and end_date (today-30 days) as argument and returns a dictionary with keys: app_name, source, start_date, end_date, posted_by, date_posted. It finally stores it all into a csv file.
assigned to: Chaos

* Create an analyzer

Script to do stastical analysis sentimemnt analysis, keyword extraction. It takes a sentence as input and returns a dictionary with keys: sentiment (positive or negetive) and keywords (a list of all keywords)
assigned to: Badr

* Create a visualizer

Script to turn the stasticial analysis into a graph(there needs to be input a keyword, and output is a time graph where you will see the amount of times the word is m mentioned and red dot and blue dot for positive)
assigned to: Unassigned