
Program to generate an arbitary "Spot It!" like deck.

About the game

The game of "Spot It!" ( is a game where you take a pair of cards from the deck, you show it to all the players, and the first person to guess the matching symbol wins. This deck has the property of.

  • Every two pairs of cards have a unique symbol.

The deck consist of 55 cards and 57 symbols. Every card has 8 symbols.

The game is also known as Dobble in Europe ( .

This program generates a generalized version of this game, generealized as follows. We say that the size of the game is the number of symbols per card. The "Spot It!" game has size 8. Then, the generalized version of this game is a deck with cards of n symbols.

The construction of the generalized game itself is based on MOLS (Mutually Ortogonaly Latin Squares). For more details about the algorithm visit the following link (in spanish) spot-it-algorithm.pdf

