
Distributed AI/HPC Monitoring Framework

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Moneo is a distributed GPU system monitor for AI workflows.

Moneo orchestrates metric collection (DCGMI + Prometheus DB) and visualization (Grafana) across multi-GPU/node systems. This provides useful insights into workflow and system level characterization.


There three categories of metrics that Moneo monitors:

  1. GPU Counters
    • Compute/Memory Utilization
    • SM and Memory Clock frequency
    • Temperature
    • Power
    • ECC Counts
    • GPU Throttling
  2. GPU Profiling Counters
    • SM Activity
    • Memory Dram Activity
    • NVLink Activity
    • PCIE Rate
  3. InfiniBand Network Counters
    • IB TX/RX rate
    • IB Port errors
Grafana Dashboards
  1. Menu: List of available dashboards. image

    Note: When viewing GPU dashboards make sure to note whether you are using Nvidia or AMD GPU nodes and select the proper dashboard.

  2. Cluster View: contains min, max, average across devices for GPU/IB metrics per VM. image image

  3. GPU Device Counters: Detailed view of node level GPU counters. image

  4. GPU Profiling Counters: Node level profiling metrics require additional overhead which may affect workload performance. Tensor, FP16, FP32, and FP64 activity are disabled by default but can be switched on by CLI command. image

  5. InfiniBand Network Counters: Detailed view of node level IB network metrics. image

Minimum Requirements

  • python >=3.7 installed
  • docker installed
  • ansible installed


Run following commands on dev box (could be one of the master/worker nodes or a local node):

# get the code
git clone https://github.com/Azure/Moneo.git
cd Moneo

# install dependencies
python3 -m pip install ansible


Prepare a config file host.ini for all master/worker nodes, here's an example:



ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

If you have configured passwordless SSH already, [all:vars] section can be skipped.

Please refer to Ansible Inventory docs for more complex cases.


Moneo CLI

To make deploying and shutting down easier we provide the Moneo CLI.

Which can be accessed as such:

  • python3 moneo.py --help

CLI Usage

  • python3 moneo.py [-d/--deploy] [-c HOST_INI] {manager,workers,full}
  • python3 moneo.py [-s/--shutdown] [-c HOST_INI] {manager,workers,full}
  • python3 moneo.py [-j JOB_ID ] [-c HOST_INI]
  • i.e. python3 moneo.py -d -c ./host.ini full
Flag Options/arguments Description
-d, --deploy None Deploy option selection. Requires config file to be specified (i.e. -c host.ini) or file to be in Moneo directory.
-s, --shutdown None Shutdown option selection. Requires config file to be specified (i.e. -c host.ini) or file to be in Moneo directory.
-c, --host_ini path + file name Provide filepath and name of ansible config file. The default is host.ini in the Moneo directory.
-j , --job_id Job ID Job ID for filtering metrics by job group. Host.ini file required. Cannot be specified during deployment and shutdown.
-p, --profiler_metrics None Enable profile metrics (Tensor Core,FP16,FP32,FP64 activity). Addition of profile metrics encurs additional overhead on computer nodes.
{manager,workers,full} Type of deployment/shutdown. Choices: {manager,workers,full}. Default: full.

Access the Portal

The Prometheus and Grafana services will be started on master nodes after deployment. You can access the Grafana portal to visualize collected metrics.

There are several cases based on the networking configuration:

  • If the master node has a public IP address or domain, you can access the portal through http://master-ip-or-domain:3000 directly.

    For example, if you are deploying for Azure VM or VMSS, you can associate a public IP address to the master node, then create a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for it.

  • If the master node does not have a public IP address to access, e.g., the VMSS is created behind a load balancer, you will need to create a proxy to access.

    For example, you can create a socks5 proxy at socks5://localhost:1080 through ssh -D 1080 -p PORT USER@IP, then install Proxy SwitchyOmega in Edge/Chrome browser and configure the proxy to protocol socks5, server localhost, port 1080 for all schemes, you will be able to navigate portal using master node's hostname at http://master-hostname:3000.

  • Default Grafana access:

    • username: azure
    • password: azure

    This can be changed in the "src/master/grafana/grafana.env" file.

User Docs

Known Issues

  • NVIDIA exporter may conflict with DCGMI

    There're two modes for DCGM: embedded mode and standalone mode.

    If DCGM is started as embedded mode (e.g., nv-hostengine -n, using no daemon option -n), the exporter will use the DCGM agent while DCGMI may return error.

    It's recommended to start DCGM in standalone mode in a daemon, so that multiple clients like exporter and DCGMI can interact with DCGM at the same time, according to NVIDIA.

    Generally, NVIDIA prefers this mode of operation, as it provides the most flexibility and lowest maintenance cost to users.


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