This is the Virtual Tourist Project for Udacity
Building Blocks I need to get done are:
- CoreData Stack, Data Model for Pin -> Photo
- API calls to Flickr
- UI interaction and display
The different flows need to consider:
Map View Screen
- When no pins exist, allow a user to enter a pin
- When pins exist, display them
Collection Screen
- When no collection exists for a pin, then this load the collection from Flickr
- When the collection exists, just display it from Flickr
I'll do it in two steps:
- The way I was taught in Udacity
- in the first trial of CoreData (which was using sequential statements to get the data and load it)
- Swap to using ResultsControllers and Observers to get this loading with less code overhead
- Use Codable for the DTO for PhotoResponse, then modify to have same object for both Photo and PhotoResponse
- Using a Repostory Pattern which will accomodate for CoreData & Codable calls
Had a lot of back and forth to find the right URL.
Just discovered this one which is critical - allows downloading the Image
The previous API I was using was wrong ( is overkill and gets too much information, we don't need this. with the information returned from the JSON in we can construct the JPEG url.
You can find the Database on my local computer at
/Users/moe/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2AC3E393-111B-45D3-9618-698334225705/data/Containers/Data/Application/F4D5FFDE-2872-418F-9E5D-33F585773679/Library/Application Support/
Use DB Database Browser for SQLLite to view the files above and can save
- PhotoAlbumViewController kicks off loading the data
- PhotoAlbumViewController creates observer to listen for new data on the pin store
- FlickrClient deals with getting the data and saving it in the store (let's make this one call)