
2020-12-31 I have thought about another way to combine the principles of vaadin flow, ui microservices and quarkus. May have a look at my project CloudUi. I am looking forward for feedback!


An experimental Quarkus-Extension to use Vaadin with Quarkus.

Quarkus: 0.23.2 Vaadin: 14.0.7

How to start

Check out branch

Build all with mvn install

See example for how to use it with quarkus.

run example in dev mode

Switch into example directory and type:

mvn clean package quarkus:dev

Open Browser http://localhost:8080

run example java vm mode

Switch into example directory and type:

mvn clean package

java -jar ./target/quarkus-vaadin-extension-example-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar

Open Browser http://localhost:8080

run example in native mode

Switch into example directory and type:

mvn clean package -Pnative


Open Browser http://localhost:8080

Ensure that $GRAALVM_HOME is set.

Feature Matrix

Component Dev Mode VM Mode Native Mode
Accordion works works works
AppLayout works works fails
Button works works works
Check box works works works
Detail works works works
List box works works works
Split Layout works works works
others not tested not tested not tested
Inject CDI Beans works works works