
A Movies React-Native app in which you can view the latest popular movies with TMDB API and add them to your favorite list using Redux.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Moovi is a React-Native application made for fun. It uses TMDB API to list the latest popular movies available at the moment.

You also have the ability to store your favorite movies in-memory using Redux.


In order to use TMDB API you have to :

  1. Create an account.
  2. Navigate to API Settings page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and copy your API Key (v3 auth).
  4. Open the React-Native project and create a file named .env in the root folder.
  5. Paste the key you copied from TMDB in that file like this :
API_KEY=[Your Key]


Home Page

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Favorite Movies Page

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