
Cartoview is a GIS Web Mapping Application Market. Cartoview extends the popular GeoNode SDI to provide the ability to create, share, and visualize GIS Web Mapping Applications very easily and very quickly from the browser without programming. Demo http://demo.cartoview.net - to install http://cartologic.github.io - to learn more

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

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Cartoview v2 is on it's way!!

WARNING: be careful this version(1.10.x) of Cartoview is compatibile with geonode 2.10.x only,if you want to install another version please take alook on this section

What is Cartoview?

  • CartoView is a GIS Web Mapping Application Market.
  • Cartoview extends the popular GeoNode SDI to provide the ability to create, share, and visualize GIS Web Mapping Applications very easily and very quickly from the browser without programming.

Docker Installation:

  • install docker and docker-compose
  • clone cartoview and navigate to cartoview folder
  • on linux based OS use this command make run to setup and start cartoview in docker for the first time
  • on windows run the following commands to setup and start cartoview in docker for the first time:
    $ docker-compose up
    $ docker-compose exec cartoview python manage.py makemigrations
    $ docker-compose exec cartoview python manage.py migrate
    $ docker-compose exec cartoview python manage.py loaddata sample_admin.json
    $ docker-compose exec cartoview python manage.py loaddata default_oauth_apps.json
    $ docker-compose exec cartoview python manage.py loaddata app_stores.json
    $ docker-compose exec cartoview python manage.py loaddata initial_data.json
  • open your browser and type the following address
  • default user credentials admin/admin for cartoview and admin/geoserver for geoserver
  • you need to configure oauth in geonode and geoserver to do this please use this link
  • you can stop containers with make down or docker-compose down
  • you can get logs for each service in docker-compose.yml unsing the following command:
    • docker-compose logs --follow --tail=100 <service_name>
  • start the containers with docker-compose up -d or make up
  • stop the containers with docker-compose down or make down

How To Add Cartoview To Existing Geonode:

  • install cartoview with pip:
    • pip install 'cartoview<2' --no-cache-dir
    • open geonode settings.py and add the following lines at the end of the file:
        from cartoview import settings as cartoview_settings
        ROOT_URLCONF = cartoview_settings.ROOT_URLCONF
        APPS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "apps"))
        PENDING_APPS = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "pendingOperation.yml")
        APPS_MENU = False
        # NOTE: please comment the following line of you want to use geonode templates
            "DIRS"] = cartoview_settings.CARTOVIEW_TEMPLATE_DIRS + TEMPLATES[0]["DIRS"]
            'context_processors'] += cartoview_settings.CARTOVIEW_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
        STATICFILES_DIRS += cartoview_settings.CARTOVIEW_STATIC_DIRS
        from cartoview import app_manager
        from past.builtins import execfile
        app_manager_settings = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(app_manager.__file__), "settings.py")
        for settings_file in APPS_SETTINGS:
            except Exception as e:
    • restart your server

How to run tests

  • You Can run tests with the following command
      paver run_test

Previous Versions

Cartoview Version Geonode Version docs Link
1.8.x 2.8.x Here
1.6.x 2.6.x Here