
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Reverse engineering of Google's Bard chatbot API translated from https://github.com/acheong08/Bard

Get auth tokens from Google

Go to https://bard.google.com/

Open Dev tools

  • Session
Go to Application → Cookies → `__Secure-1PSID`. Copy the value of that cookie.
  • SNlM0e


npm install bardtalk

Once the library is installed, you can create a new Chatbot object by passing in your Google Bard session ID.

let SESSION_ID = process.env['__Secure-1PSID'];
let SNlM0e = process.env['SNlM0e']
let chatbot = new Chatbot(SESSION_ID, SNlM0e);

You can then ask the chatbot questions by calling the ask() method.

let response = await chatbot.ask("What is the capital of France?");
console.log(response.content); // "Paris"

The ask() method will return a promise that resolves to a response object. The response object will have the following properties:

content: The text of the chatbot's response.
conversation_id: The ID of the current conversation.
response_id: The ID of the current response.
factualityQueries: A list of factuality queries that were used to generate the response.
textQuery: The text query that was used to generate the response.
choices: A list of possible choices that the user could have made.

