
To successfuly run the project follow the steps listed below


  1. Python
  2. pip
  3. NodeJs

Set up the backend

  1. change directory into the backend folder by running cd backend

  2. install the python virtual env package by running

    For linux systems

        sudo apt install python3-venv

    For Windows systems

        pip install virtualenv
  3. create a virtual environment by running the following

    For linux systems

        python3 -m venv venv

    For windows systems

        python -m virtualenv venv
  4. activate the virtual env by running

    For linux systems

        source venv/bin/activate

    For windows systems

  5. install the required packages by running

        pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. start the applicatipn server by running the following command python3 for linux systems and python for windows systems

Set up the frontend

  1. In a brand new terminal, change directory to the frontend directory by running cd frontend

  2. Install the required packages by running npm i

  3. Start the fronend server by running npm run dev

  4. Visit http://localhost:3000 to access the frontend and get started.