
SEO optimized, performant, opinionated React/Next/AntDesign/Firebase template app. With fast loading landing page with lazy-loading of Firebase during app login process.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MobileFlow Next Firebase Ant Design Template

SEO optimized, performant, opinionated React/Next/AntDesign/Firebase template app. With fast loading landing page with lazy-loading of Firebase during app login process.


Based on create-next-app and initially built using with-firebase-hosting

npx create-next-app --example with-firebase-hosting with-firebase-hosting-app
Download manually

Download the example:

curl https://codeload.github.com/zeit/next.js/tar.gz/canary | tar -xz --strip=2 next.js-canary/examples/with-firebase-hosting
cd with-firebase-hosting
Set up firebase
  • install Firebase Tools: npm i -g firebase-tools
  • create a project through the firebase web console
  • grab the projects ID from the web consoles URL: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/<projectId>
  • update the .firebaserc default project ID to the newly created project
  • login to the Firebase CLI tool with firebase login
  • create the credentials/client.js file with the following syntax:
    module.exports = {
        apiKey: "FIREBASEAPIKEY",
        authDomain: "your-app.firebaseapp.com",
        databaseURL: "https://your-app.firebaseio.com",
        projectId: "your-app",
        storageBucket: "your-app.appspot.com",
        messagingSenderId: "FIREBASEMMESSEGINGKEY"
Install Project
npm install

Run Next.js development:

npm run dev

Run Firebase locally for testing:

npm run serve

Deploy it to the cloud with Firebase:

npm run deploy

Clean dist folder

npm run clean
Ant Design landing page

Copy the components of the Ant Design landing page from the online (design tool)[https://landing.ant.design] and copy to the landing directory.

Serverless hosting with Firebase

Using Firebase hosting with NextJS generated SSR design files. This should allow for easier setup (add new pages via /pages subdirectory) and better SEO (using next-seo to configure, but also SSR generates 'static' home/blog/faq pages as needed).


Ant Design themeing for both landing page and application controls. Use the (Ant Design)[https://ant.design/components] summary page and (style sheet guide)[https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/style/themes/default.less] to customize the look & feel.

The directory structure in the src/app folder is as follows:

| |____Home.js
| |____static
| | |____style.js
| | |____default.less
| | |____responsive.less
| |____Banner.js
| |____Header.js
| |____App.js
| |____styles.less
| |____antd-custom.less
| |____logo-word-white.png
| |____redirect.js
| |____auth.js
| |____firebaseManager.js
| |____about.js
| |____index.js
| |____login.js
| |____dashboard.js
| |____client.js

The Firebase configuration is contained in credentials/client.js and is used the by the firebaseManager.js singleton to manage authorization, etc.

The home / landing page is index.js by default, and loads an Ant Design stylized landing page from landing/Home.js with custom less styling from within the landing/static directory.

The application page is dashboard and contains custom application components from the components directory.

Both the application and landing page use the @zeit/next-less loading methods as specified within next.config.js file, which loads the default Ant Design style sheets and applies overrides using the files contained within asserts/antd-custom.less.