eject tool on cancel issue
Closed this issue · 3 comments
This function does not seem to work whether the variable is "False" or "True" the filament is not ejected after a cancel
[gcode_macro _MMU_CLIENT_VARS]
description: Happy Hare client macro configuration variables
gcode: # Leave empty
variable_reset_ttg_on_cancel : False ; True/False, Whether reset TTG map if print is canceled
variable_eject_tool_on_cancel : True ; True/False, Whether to eject the tool on cancel
You can extend functionality by adding a command (or call to your gcode macro)
variable_user_pause_extension : '' ; Executed after the klipper base pause
variable_user_resume_extension : '' ; Executed before the klipper base resume
variable_user_cancel_extension : '' ; Executed before the klipper base cancel_print
Are you using my "client_macros.cfg" ? I recommend that you do for extra functionality with HH. They can still be extended and with v2.7.1 I packaged "pause on layer" functionality as well.
[include mmu/optional/client_macros.cfg]
Also, make sure you don't include your existing set.
Thanks for your feedback. I use your macros and I disabled mine to avoid conflicts. The problem is apparently not there. The filament is correctly ejected at the end of printing