MMU software driver for Klipper (ERCF, Tradrack, Box Turtle, Night Owl, Angry Beaver, 3MS, ...)
- 33
The use of demultiplexers.
#512 opened by porar-oss - 5
- 5
sync_feedback_tension always triggered
#531 opened by Belstrekkie - 7
Motor sync issue
#533 opened by Darkchild971 - 5
MMU Fails to start when using network share
#536 opened by addoyle - 3
Filament and tube generate static electricity then cause mmu board been shock and disconnect. (Potential damage)
#523 opened by willzhai55 - 2
- 2
Could not exclusively lock port /dev/ttyACM1
#543 opened by DuckersMcQuack - 3
Manage Accelerations during MMU sequence commands
#538 opened by igiannakas - 2
- 1
MMU_STATUS_LED stays OFF (no color) when filament color is set to "black" and variable_status_effect is set to "filament_color"
#529 opened by m3cinc - 2
Internal error during connect: 'ManualExtruderStepper' object has no attribute 'cmd_SET_E_STEP_DISTANCE'
#530 opened by koekie40 - 12
Error when PAUSE before print start
#527 opened by jmceara - 3
Suggestion: use non-critical MCU code (akin to Danger Klipper) to allow removable MMUs
#541 opened by k1-801 - 3
In v3 beta, EREC_CUTTER_ACTION performs unnecessary gear move when VARIABLE_CUT_ATTEMPTS set to 1
#517 opened by iamnotahippy - 1
Inconsistent variable names between client_macros.cfg and mmu_macro_vars.cfg
#540 opened by iamnotahippy - 1
#535 opened by BreeOge - 1
[question] How to get current color in happy-hare ?
#520 opened by EdwinPock - 6
- 3
- 2
- 5
- 7
- 7
Unexpected result with selector touch capability
#460 opened by agreen - 3
- 1
the icons disappeared in happy hare
#525 opened by EduardoFuchs - 1
Home axis when ejecting tool
#513 opened by utzy79 - 3
Docu update Slicer settings
#514 opened by dominikacri - 1
- 7
Park_pos ??
#498 opened by EdwinPock - 4
sync_multiplier_low error HH v2.7.3-25
#511 opened by Ekodas - 4
- 5
Where is the carrot?
#499 opened by EdwinPock - 2
MMU issue: _MMU_STEP_HOME_EXTRUDER: Failed to reach extruder after moving 70.0mm
#473 opened by MDegelmann - 18
Mainsail and Fluidd history
#487 opened by Spydyr - 4
Split script
#476 opened by wdcocq - 1
- 2
- 8
Bugs in development branch
#483 opened by 3DCoded - 13
- 2
- 2
- 5
Printer keeps pausing for no reason
#482 opened by SHKinsem - 3
Print is paused after `MMU_END`
#470 opened by Leonti - 2
TMC extruder reports error: GSTAT after updating?
#480 opened by afllak - 0
Pre Config MMB V1.1 Pinout
#474 opened by 4ndi323 - 1
MMU_EJECT SKIP_TIP=1 Still cuts tip with EREC
#467 opened by mochoandre - 2
Spoolman starts after ERCF causing failed connection
#465 opened by jwhite - 3
- 3
Fix compatibility of creality ender3v3 Plus
#461 opened by jacksky6