personal website template for tech guys, all of the content is loaded from a json file no need to edit html/css set your data and ready to go. feel free to fork and make changes :)
- 1jGabriel@corabank
- androidovshchikKazakhstan
- aswanipranjalThunes
- b1n4ry9h0S7Bangalore
- CAPE92China Nanjing
- deshmukhgagan93HeyJobs
- dizhu-gis
- guaiamum@mindera
- guptachetan1997Delhi Technological University
- hielfxSpain
- IAmSurajBobadeSoftware Engneer
- Indanigauri
- jaradac
- koodeau@increasio
- LulzxAsia, Earth
- michaeltmillerSalt Lake City, Utah
- moghyaPune, India
- onkar27DarkEyeDevelopers
- petersamokhin@revolut-mobile
- rahulbagadDruva
- rhnonose
- ringalexlee
- rohitidke@OVGU
- ryancraigmartinSommsation
- sahitpj@flipkart
- SerhiiStetsLuxoft
- shubh3695Gojek Tech
- shubhamranjanMumbai, India
- ShyamGanatra
- stym06@Groww
- Tiago-Rocha@VetAppPT
- vidhyav656Mumbai
- virajvchavan@SiliconValleyInsight
- xsorifc28xSor is my brand.
- yashbeleSangli
- z1z0v1cSelerant