
Single page non-database PHP image gallery.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Single page non-database PHP image gallery. No uploading or administrating area, use FTP to upload images.


In the "gallery" folder, create a subfolder and name it to anything you like (as long as your server's env allows), upload images to this album folder, and it's all done. Refresh the browser to see your new gallery.

###More Info:

The structure inside the "gallery" folder should look like:

gallery - album1 - album2 - album3 - . . . 
             |        |        |
           thumb    thumb    thumb
Note: "thumb" folders are automatically generated after images are uploaded to the corresponding album folders.

The album folders inside the "gallery" folder can be named to anything as you like. They will be displayed as the names of the each column on the web page.

Ijou, enjoy!