The spotify car thing runs it's software as a react web app in a QtWebView. This repo contains some small scripts to temporarily replace the webapp on a spotify car thing with a custom one. All actions not marked otherwise should be temporary, i.e. have no action and leave no trace after a reboot.
⚠️ Warning: Use at your own risk
Before you can start using this repo, you need to prepare your device using superbird-bulkcmd. Perform all steps up to and including Boot kernel from USB to enable ADB access.
You need a working adb
connection to your device.
Using scripts/
, you can upload a custom webapp to your car thing.
This repo contains an minimal example, which you can start by running
./scripts/ example_webapp/
If you have multiple adb devices, you can specify the device id of you car thing after the path to the webapp:
./scripts/ example_webapp/ 123456
The react_webapp
directory contains a small react-based demo app with some helper for properly
using the car thing (buttons, "hey spotify", ...). To build and start it, run
./scripts/ react_webapp
You can either just reboot your car thing or run scripts/
For dumping the currently active webapp, you can simply use adb
, no need for a custom script:
adb pull /usr/share/qt-superbird-app/webapp/ OUTPUT_PATH
If you want to develop a part of your webapp which needs the control websocket, you can forward it to your computer:
adb forward tcp:8890 tcp:8890
This way you can develop the app on your computer without having to reupload it to your device all the time.
The script uploads the webapp to /tmp/webapp
and bind-mounts it into the place the superbird binary expects it to be (/usr/share/qt-superbird-app/webapp/
It then restarts the superbird serivce using supervisorctl