
Just dump all the CloudWatch metrics.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Just dump all the CloudWatch metrics.

Build Status Coverage Status Stories in Ready

This script does ...

  1. Get complete metrics list from AWS CloudWatch in the specified region.
  2. For all metrics, fetch Average and Sum values for each period within the specified interval.
  3. Print metric path, value and timestamp in Graphtie-friendly format


  • Python >= 2.6
  • pytz
  • python-dateutil
  • boto


pip install git+https://github.com/mogproject/cloudwatch-dump

You may need sudo command.

Then, setup your credentials for reading CloudWatch data.

  • Create boto credentials (e.g. ~/.boto)
  • or set environment variable (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
  • see further for Boto configuration tutorial


Usage: cloudwatch-dump [options]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --region=REGION      the name of the region to connect to (default: us-east-1)
  --time=TIME          start time of the query in format "YYYYMMDDhhmm" localtime
                       (default: calculated by now)
  --interval=INTERVAL  minites of time range in the query (default: 60)
  --period=PERIOD      minites to aggregate in the query (default: 5)
  --check              prints only the metrics and its statistics methods (default: false)


1. cloudwatch-dump

Without arguments, ths script will print all metrics status with the following options.

  • region: us-east-1
  • time range: last one hour
    (e.g. if current time is 09:23:45, will be 08:00:00 - 09:00:00)
  • aggregation period: 5 minutes

Output will look like the following.

us-east-1.Average.AWS.EC2.i-01234567.NetworkOut 1048.6000000000 1414801800
us-east-1.Average.AWS.EC2.i-01234567.NetworkOut 1053.6000000000 1414802100
us-east-1.Average.AWS.EC2.i-01234567.NetworkOut 1069.0000000000 1414800900
us-east-1.Sum.System.Linux._dev_xvda1.i-01234567.root.DiskSpaceUtilization 35.9955154058 1414802700
us-east-1.Sum.System.Linux._dev_xvda1.i-01234567.root.DiskSpaceUtilization 35.9954661679 1414801500
us-east-1.Sum.System.Linux._dev_xvda1.i-01234567.root.DiskSpaceUtilization 35.9952199780 1414800600

Note that output is NOT sorted by timestamp.

2. cloudwatch-dump --check

list all the metric names in us-east-1 region.

  • Will not fetch actual data from CloudWatch.

Output will look like the following.

start : 2014-11-01 00:00:00+09:00
end   : 2014-11-01 01:00:00+09:00
period: 5 min
will collect metric: us-east-1.Average.AWS.SNS.NotifyMe.PublishSize
will collect metric: us-east-1.Sum.AWS.SNS.NotifyMe.PublishSize
will collect metric: us-east-1.Average.AWS.SNS.NotifyMe.NumberOfMessagesPublished
will collect metric: us-east-1.Sum.AWS.SNS.NotifyMe.NumberOfMessagesPublished
will collect metric: us-east-1.Average.AWS.SNS.NotifyMe.NumberOfNotificationsDelivered
will collect metric: us-east-1.Sum.AWS.SNS.NotifyMe.NumberOfNotificationsDelivered
3. cloudwatch-dump --region us-east-1 --time 201410100000 --interval 1440

Fetch whole data on October 10th 2014 (localtime) in ap-northeast-1 region aggregated by 5 minutes.

4. cloudwatch-dump --period 1

Fetch last one-hour's data aggregated by 1 minute.

5. cloudwatch-dump -h

Prints help message.


Metric path

Metric path is built as follows.

  • "/" in namespace will be replaced to "."
  • "/" in dimension value will be replace to "_" (for Graphite(Whisper) safety)
  • If dimension value equals "/", it will be replaced to "root"
  • Dimension values are sorted by dimension keys (in dictionary ascending order).


In case region="us-east-1", statistics="Average", namespace="AWS/EC2", dimensionValue="i-01234567", metric="CPUUtilization", metric path will be built as us-east-1.Sum.AWS.EC2.i-01234567.CPUUtilization.


Timestamp is represented as epoch time in local timezone.

Number of API calls

Note that CloudWatch API call could be charged.

Let's say "n" as the number of metrics in the specified region, the number of total calls will be

  • check mode : max(1, ceil(n / 500))
  • normal mode: max(1, ceil(n / 500)) + 2 * n

e.g. If n = 600, normal mode consumes (2+2*600=) 1,202 API calls.

Author of this script shall be irresponsible about the damage under claim for payment under any circumstance.

Execution Timing

Because it takes a time to transfer metrics data from AWS services to CloudWatch, too early execution could cause missing some data.

If the interval is one hour, execution on *:01 would be too early. *:05 is much reasonable for it.
Or fetch last two hours' data hourly.

Graphite Integration Example

Shell script example for integrating Graphite (carbon-cache) on localhost, 2003 port.



for region in us-east-1 ap-northeast-1; do
  # replace your EC2 instance name to nickname
  cloudwatch-dump $region |
  sed -e '
    s/i-ZZZZZZZZ/server-3/g' |
  nc localhost 2003


pip uninstall cloudwatch-dump