Challenge Project.

Live ->

Challenge project created to show the knowledge acquired as UI Developer in frontend technologies like react.js, graphql, apollo, typescript.

Started Kit

The initial structure is created by create-next-app, the setup for a modern web app with next.js.


Application requires Node.js to run.

Execute the follow commands.

git clone
cd archie-test-project
yarn install
yarn dev

Note | The project is running on port 3000.

Structure Folder

|-- packages                   # Different entities. 
    |-- configs                # Configurations.
        |-- apolloConfig.ts    # Apollo configuration.
    |-- shared                 # Reusable code.
        |-- components         # Reusable components. 
        |-- hocs               # Reusable high order functions.
        |-- hooks              # Reusable hooks.
        |-- querys.ts          # Graphql queries.
        |-- types.ts           # Typescript types.
|-- pages                   # Main code.
    |-- _app.js             # Application component.
    |-- index.tsx           # Application entry point.


Here are the main libraries used in the project.

  • react - Modern web library to use in the UI.
  • next + typescript - The react framework for production and server side settings.
  • chakra-ui - Create accessible React apps with speed.
  • apollo - Client for react to connect graphql.
  • react-spring - Spring-physics based animation library.


  • vercel - vercel combines the best developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance.

Graphql API

Required features.

  • Should a be NextJs project, using create-next-app is totally perfect
  • Should use typescript

Extra points.

  • Preferably use chakra ui for styled components.
  • Add a search bar that can filter through missions and only display the ones that match the current search entry.
  • Use one of the server-side functions NextJS provides to fetch data, if not explain why not.
  • Use apollo graphql to establish connection to endpoint
  • Make it mobile responsive.


  • Added animations with the library react-spring.
  • Used github boards to manage the task. You can see them HERE;


  • Add unit testings with Jest
  • Generate a library component with Storybook for reusable components.
  • Add mobile gestures with Hammer