
Code for assignments done as part of EE522-Matrix Theory

Primary LanguageMATLAB

EE522 - Matrix Theory (Aug - Nov, 2018)

Code for some assignments done as part of EE522-Matrix Theory


  • Matrix multiplication using approaches mentioned below:

    • dot product of rows and columns (the most commonly used approach) [MATLAB] [Python]
    • matrix-vector multiplication (column way)[MATLAB]
    • vector-matrix multiplication (row way) [MATLAB]
    • cross product of columns and rows (column-row way) [MATLAB]
    • block matrix multiplication [MATLAB]
    Note: These are different ways of looking at matrix multiplication, and all of them should give the same answer. For a refresher, refer to this video lecture by Prof. Gilbert Strang.
  • Implement Gauss-Jordan algorithm. Reduce a matrix to Echelon and RREF using Gauss-Jordan algorithm.

  • Write a program that finds determinant of a matrix:

    • using a recursive routine and
    • reducing the matrix to upper triangular matrix using Gauss-Jordan elimination.