
1. Design Overview: The required is to develop a windows based program using C++ and Microsoft foundation class [MFC] that can be used to open a Bitmap image and apply some basic processing on it. 2. Main functions So the program main functions will be: 1. Open file: a browsing dialog should occur to select the BMP file from directory and then display the selected file on your user interface. 2. Apply filer: It is required to give the user the ability to apply 3 different types of filters on the opened Bitmap [Average, Median and Gaussian filters]. The user should have the ability to change the filter size The user should have the ability to change the Gaussian filter parameters 3. Draw Lines: give the user a tool to draw lines over the Bmp Using Device Context (No OpenGl Here) 4. Undo: the user should have the ability to Undo the applied changes. 5. Save Bitmap: a browsing dialog should occur to select saving directory and the saved file name. 3. General Constraints  The programming language will be Visual C++ [MFC]  Do not use OpenGl to draw lines

Primary LanguageC++
