
Trying to work on something to see if I can figure out flight delays

Primary LanguagePython

Flight Delays Prediction Model

This project provides a predictive model for forecasting the number of flights for a given date, with optional filtering by origin, destination, airline, carrier group, flight type, and flight status (scheduled or charter).

Table of Contents


Step 1: Clone the repository

git clone <repo-url>
cd flight-delays

Step 2: Set up Python environment

This project uses pyenv for managing Python environments. Ensure that you have pyenv installed. To set up the environment:

# Install the required Python version
pyenv install <python-version>

# Create and activate a virtual environment
pyenv virtualenv <python-version> modelenv
pyenv activate modelenv

Step 3: Install dependencies

After activating the environment, install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Download the data

The script requires flight departure data. You can download the data from the following link:

US International Air Traffic Data

Once downloaded, place the data in the prediction-model/data folder.


You can run the predictive-model.py script from the command line. Use the --date option to specify the date you want predictions for, and other optional arguments to filter by specific criteria like origin, destination, airline, etc.

python prediction-model/predictive-model.py --date YYYY-MM-DD [options]


The data used for predictions comes from the US International Air Traffic Data available on Kaggle. Ensure the CSV file International_Report_Departures.csv is placed in the prediction-model/data directory.


The script accepts the following arguments:

  • --date (required): The date for which you want to predict the number of flights (format: YYYY-MM-DD).
  • --origin (optional): US airport code (e.g., JFK, LAX) to filter flights departing from a specific airport.
  • --destination (optional): Airport code (e.g., LHR, CDG) to filter flights arriving at a specific airport.
  • --airline (optional): Airline code (e.g., DL for Delta, AA for American Airlines).
  • --carriergroup (optional): Carrier group code to filter by airline group.
  • --flight_type (optional): Type of flight (e.g., Departures).
  • --scheduled (optional): Filter by scheduled flights (1 for scheduled, 0 for non-scheduled).
  • --charter (optional): Filter by charter flights (1 for charter, 0 for non-charter).


Predict flights for the date 2024-12-01 departing from JFK:

python prediction-model/predictive-model.py --date 2024-12-01 --origin JFK


Predicted Total Flights on closest date 2024-11-30: 150.42
Prediction Range: 140.12 to 160.70

Directory Structure

├── .vscode/
│   └── launch.json
├── prediction-model/
│   ├── data/
│   ├── modelenv/
│   ├── output/
│   ├── scripts/
│   └── predictive-model.py
├── .gitignore
├── requirements.txt
└── README.md


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.