The project is developed using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile and incorporates essential libraries, including:
- Jetpack Compose
- SwiftUI(for iOS app)
- Koin(DI)
- Coroutines
- Coil
- Ktor
- SQLDelight
UI Test: this app has ui tests on search screen
Unit Test: developed with TDD and the project utilizes:
- JUnit
- Mockk libraries
Configuration Handling: The app effectively manages configuration changes, ensuring a seamless user experience across different device orientations and screen sizes.
UI Optimization: Employing the Layout Inspector, the app meticulously fine-tunes its user interface to minimize unnecessary recomposition.
Keyboard Management: The app intelligently prevents keyboard overlays, ensuring that on-screen content remains fully visible and accessible during user interactions.
the data and domain layer are shared and placed in shared module.see the code
the presentation layer is on androidApp module. see the code
for access to to the api you need an ApiKey from pixaby. you can find it in here: get API key
you can download the apk file from here: Download File