Workers Mircoservice

This is a simple CRUD microservice to manage workers in a team.


  • A member has a name and a type the late one can be an employee or a contractor - if it's a contractor, the duration of the contract needs to be saved (as contractEnd, a date in RFC3339), and if it's an employee we need to store their role, for instance: Software Engineer, Project Manager and so on.
  • A member can be tagged, for instance: C#, Angular, General Frontend, Seasoned Leader and so on. (Tags will likely be used as filters later, so keep that in mind)

API Documentation

The service uses standard HTTP verbs to the endpoint /worker, Please take a look at tests/acceptance for details.

How to Run

You need make and docker-compose to run the service, e.g.:

`make run`

To run the tests, you need additionally pytest:

`make test`


  1. add an endpoint to query workers based on name, type, tags and contractEnd
  2. add unit and integration tests
  3. put nginx in front of the api