Weather Porxy


The app is just a proxy to call the OpenWeatherMap API . It uses MongoDB to "Cache" the API responses and render them to the user if it was avilable . By caching the responses we reduce the load on the external API .

Main Page


Why MongoDB

At first i wanted to user Redis, but Mongo has a great support for geolocation data .
It allows storing the geolocation (GeoJson) and set expiry time for the API response per that geolocaion (and surrounding area - 10000 meter),
thus kepping the accuracy of the weather results and reducing the api calls .

Why use GeoJson

I could have used an external API to get the city from the cooridnates but i wanted to reduce the depedecny on external APIs .
With GeoJson i have achieved a similar goal .

Runnig the tests:

npm run tests

Running the server:

npm run start

Test Results


Welcom Page

Welcome Page