Make sure you have Docker installed on your system.

Create a .env file with your configuration details.



Run the following command to start the app using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up

Available APIs

Please note that all APIs are secured with an ACCESS_TOKEN specified in the environment variable. To access these APIs, you must provide the token in the Authorization header.

Download Stations Data API:

POST /api/v1/indego-data-fetch-and-store-it-db

Description: Downloads station data from Indego servers and saves it to the database, however, note that there are two scheduled jobs that have been set up to run every hour. These jobs fetch data from the Indego and Open Weather APIs, storing it in the database. So the API's are a convinent alternative.

Download Weather Data API:

POST /api/v1/weather-data-fetch-and-store-it-db

Description: Downloads weather data from Open API servers and saves it to the database.

Retrieve Stations Data API:

GET /api/v1/stations/3005?at=2014-09-01T10:00:00

Description: Retrieves station data based on the given date.

Retrieve Station Data API:

GET /api/v1/stations/:id?at=2014-09-01T10:00:00

Description: Retrieves data for the given station ID based on the given date.

API documentation:

GET /api

Description: a web page that shows API's documentation.


For database design, I've chosen to store the API's retrieved data in a JSON column. Since we query the data and no updates are done on these fields JSON suits well. I've added dedicated columns indexed for querying criteria – like station id and dates for bike data. to improve querying efficiency.