
You run this script on your new macOs machine to setup it for the selection piscine. Pay attention that this requires sudo access at least once!

How to run

  1. clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:mohamedLazyBob/01-macos-setup.git
  1. make the script executable
chmod +x installTools.sh
  1. run the script

What does it do?

  1. Install homebrew, and add it to your path.
  2. install goLang and set it up with packages.
  3. Install git, wget, jq, coreutils, gofumpt.
  4. Install vim and does it's setup (plugins, colorscheme, etc).
  5. Install zsh and oh-my-zsh
  6. Install VSCode and its extensions
  7. install Sublime text and merge(Graphical Git Client)
  8. Install iterm2

Feedback and contribution are welcome!

Send me an email at mohamed.zaboub@01talent.com or open an issue on github.