An NPM module to convert currency digits into written Arabic words
npm install tafgeetjs
Tafgeet = require('tafgeetjs');
var stringText = new Tafgeet('556563.20', 'SDG').parse();
this will produce: 'فقط خمسمائة وستة وخمسون ألف وخمسمائة وثلاثة وستون جنيه سوداني وعشرون قرش لا غير'
You need to pass number and currency symbol as strings otherwise you will not get accurate readings for the fractions.
- SDG (Sudanese Pound) - Default
- SAR (Saudi Riyal)
- QAR (Qatari Riyal)
- AED (Emarati Dirham)
- EGP (Egyptian Pound)
- USD (US Dollars)
- TND (Tunisian Dinar) - by @atefBB
- Support more currencies
- Better grammer support
Add test cases
TafgeetJS NPM module could also be imported using ES6 import syntax, below are links to an Angular example project: