
Typed and improved version for localStorage and sessionStorage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A lightweight JavaScript library that's make dealing with localStorage and sessionStorage so easy.


  • Storing data with types so you don't need to convert objects or any other data type before and after using Storage.
  • Making a shortcuts for Storage functions names.
  • Adding new functions.


just include ls.min.js file in your page.

<script src="path/to/ls.min.js"></script>

Available functions

Note: - that all functions below are aviable for localStorage and sessionStroage. - ls is a shortcut for localStorage and ss is short cut for sessionStorage.

  • ls.l => equals to localStorage.length.

  • ls.set(key, val) => equals to localStorage.setItem(key, val)

  • ls.get(key) => equals to localStorage.setItem(key) but convert the returned value to by with it's original type.

  • ls.remove(key) => equals to localStorage.removeItem(key)

  • ls.rm(key) => equals to localStorage.removeItem(key)

  • ls.clear() => equals to localStorage.clear()

  • ls.c() => equals to localStorage.clear()

  • ls.keys() => returns all stored keys

  • ls.values() => returns all stored values

  • ls.getType(key) => returns the type of that key

  • ls.pushTo(key, item) => if the stored value with key key is an array then push the new item to it

  • ls.removeByIdFrom(itemId, arr) => remove elment with id itemId from arr item.