
This dataset has been collected from Bureau of Transportation Statistics . it reports flights in the United States, including carriers, arrival and departure delays, and reasons for delays, from 1987 to 2008.

Data Analysis Process:

  • Ask Questions about the data

    to focus on relevant parts of your data and direct analysis towards meaningful insights

  • Data Wrangling

    to start answering your question, you should start wrangling and cleaning your data to put it in a good quality.

  • Data Exploration and Explanation

    explore patterns in your data, apply EDA and feature engineering to maximize the potential of your analysis and visualization. we can divide this process into three steps of analyzing:

    • univariate analysis

      investigate distributions of individual variables

    • bivariate analysis

      investigate relationships between pairs of variables in your data.

    • multivariate analysis

      investigate in three or more variables in the data.

  • Draw Conclusions

    get your conclusions from descriptive or inferential statistics or applying machine learning models

  • Communicate your results

    share and report what you have built. and remember, your analysis is only as valuable as your ability to communicate it.