Api Gateways Playaround

this repo for playing around with different open source api gateways to get the best fit for our usecase

Basic Structure

Why to use Api Gateway ?!

look at this video What is gateway?

Our usecase

  • First Reason
  • Second

Read later




first version I used kong as main api gateway and here is what I got


still didn't use it yet

Docker Compose Service

  • kong
  • Promethus
  • Grafana
  • etc

CRUD Serviecs

I use FastApi to make simple in memory CRUD operations there is three main services

  • Employee Service
  • Order Service
  • Product Serivce


make sure that you have theses tools installed on your machine

  • Apache benchmark ab
  • Docker
  • etc

Gettings started

edit ./config/kong.yml services with your ip you can get it using command

ifconfig | grep "192."

Run docker compose file

docker-compose up

after successfully running you now should have everything up and runnig

import kong grafana dashboard (ID: 7424) after configuring promethus as data source


Grafana statistics for load test Grafana