this repo for playing around with different open source api gateways to get the best fit for our usecase
look at this video What is gateway?
- First Reason
- Second
first version I used kong as main api gateway and here is what I got
still didn't use it yet
- kong
- Promethus
- Grafana
- etc
I use FastApi to make simple in memory CRUD operations there is three main services
- Employee Service
- Order Service
- Product Serivce
make sure that you have theses tools installed on your machine
- Apache benchmark
- Docker
- etc
edit ./config/kong.yml
services with your ip
you can get it using command
ifconfig | grep "192."
Run docker compose file
docker-compose up
after successfully running you now should have everything up and runnig
import kong grafana dashboard (ID: 7424
) after configuring promethus as data source