Integration of Cucumber, Serenity, and JUnit 5. Maven kicks off the unit tests and functional test.
JUnit 5 isn't completely implemented. I'm using the jupiter-vintage-engine for the Cucumber TestRunner classes.
Instead of using the @ExtendWith(), I'm using the @RunWith(); @ExtendWith() replaces @RunWith in JUnit5. JUnit 5 features are available for the unit tests.
I increased the Java version to 12.
Setting up this demo was a doozy. You can read about the issues I faced on stackoverflow:
To ensure this project runs, make sure not to keep the versions as follows:
- serenity-cucumber4 - 1.0.15
- cucumber-java - 4.2.0
To view the report, you can:
- View the HTML output at target/site/serenity/index.html
- Get a csv of the results at target/site/serenity/results.csv
- View an XML output at target/site/serenity/SERENITY-JUNIT[some-random-uuid]
- View a summary output at target/site/serenity/summary.txt