
Telegram.org and Odoo.com integration

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Bot for odoo

Set of modules to run a telegram bot on odoo server.

Description and Documentation: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/10.0/telegram

Getting started

Create your bot via BotFather. It gives you access token that you will use later.

Install odoo with telegram modules and dependencies via set of docker containers:

docker network create odoo-telegram

docker run \
-d \
--network=odoo-telegram \
--name db-telegram  \

docker run \
-d \
--name odoo \
--network=odoo-telegram \
-e DB_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR=db-telegram \
-t itprojectsllc/install-odoo:10.0-telegram -- -d telegram

# before executing this stop nginx or apache if you have one
docker run  \
-d \
-p 80:80 \
--name telegram-nginx \
--network=odoo-telegram \
-t itprojectsllc/docker-odoo-nginx

Open http://localhost/ (you may need to wait few minutes on first open) and login with login admin and password admin.

Then install some telegram modules (use search box and don't forget to remove Apps filter).

Open Technical / Parameters / System Parameters menu. Put access token to telegram.token parameter.

Now you can send /help command to your bot!

For futher usage see documentation of main module (skip installation part) or documentation of other installed telegram modules.


Feel free to support our development by purchasing one or two modules.