Sequence diagram

Sequence Diagram

Class diagram

Class Diagram


  • Requirements
  • Available catalog products and their price in USD:
    • T-shirt $10.99
    • Pants $14.99
    • Jacket $19.99
    • Shoes $24.99


  • Run make build

To Create cart

  • First run make bash
    • then try bin/createCart.php --bill-currency=EGP T-shirt T-shirt shoes jacket
      • Response
          "SubTotal": "1052 EGP",
          "Taxes": "147.28 EGP",
          "Discounts": [
              "50% off Jacket: -156.921 EGP",
              "10% off Shoes: -39.234 EGP"
          "Total": "975.84 EGP"
    • or try bin/createCart.php --bill-currency=USD T-shirt T-shirt shoes jacket
      • Response
            "SubTotal": "67 USD",
            "Taxes": "9.38 USD",
            "Discounts": [
                "50% off Jacket: -9.995 USD",
                "10% off Shoes: -2.499 USD"
            "Total": "62.7 USD"
    • or try bin/createCart.php T-shirt T-shirt shoes
      • Response
        "SubTotal": "47 USD",
        "Taxes": "6.58 USD",
        "Discounts": [
            "10% off Shoes: -2.499 USD"
        "Total": "51.3 USD"

Built With