
Hacking my BMW i3 and ChargePoint

Primary LanguageC#

Currently in progress


Having an Electric Car is beautiful, the BMW i3 is actually my first car. I love that it runs on electricity but I also hate that ChargePoint charges per hour. For the i3, it charges 6 kwatts/hour. But during the end of the charge, it decreases exponentially to like 1 kwatt/hour.

Lets say I pay $1 per hour to charge, and my BMW accepts around 20 kwatts. It will take around 3 hours to get a full charge. But with chargepoint tries to charge for 6 hours. Paying double the money. The extra 3 hours of charge was for the last 10%.

I created this Windows 10 app so that I can spend 50% less money on charging. The way it works is pretty simple, when it decreases charging output, I stop charging right away, so I can maximize the amount of energy going in for my money. It ends up charging 90%-95% of the vehicle.

How it is done

I currently reverse engineered the ChargePoint app to get access to the private APIs. It is technically not reverse engineering, I just man in the middled the ChargePoint iOS app to get acccess to the underlying APIs.

Then I used these APIs to crawl my charge status for my profile. Then after I rech the maximum charge for my money, I terminate the charge ASAP before I get charged more.

Future work

  • Create a nicer interface. I am just coding for proof of concept, then I will make it pretty.
  • Integrate into Cortana, so I can tell it, "Hey Cortana, whats my charge?"
  • Get nice stats out of the charging.