App to get prayer's time according to your location , save it offline , show qibla direction.
- Retrofit.
- Room
- Clean Architecture
- Hilt DI
- Unit Test
To get started with the project, follow these steps:
- Android Studio 4.0 or later
- JDK 8 or later
- Clone the repository:
# Example usage commands or code snippets
$ git clone
$ cd your-repo/
$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew run
The project follows the principles of clean architecture, which separates the codebase into different layers with distinct responsibilities. The architecture consists of the following components:
- Presentation Layer: Responsible for handling the UI and user interactions.
- Domain Layer: Contains the business logic and use cases of the application.
- Data Layer: Handles data access, including network requests and database operations.
The project emphasizes unit testing to ensure code quality and reliability. Unit tests cover different components and functionalities. To run the tests, follow these steps:
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Right-click on the test folder.
- Select "Run 'Tests'".