Landing Page Project

Table of Contents


The starter project has some HTML and CSS styling to display a static version of the Landing Page project. You'll need to convert this project from a static project to an interactive one. This will require modifying the HTML and CSS files, but primarily the JavaScript file.

To get started, open js/app.js and start building out the app's functionality

For specific, detailed instructions, look at the project instructions in the Udacity Classroom.

Implemented Features

Nav bar

The Landing page will automatically build the nav bar on initial page load and watch for any subseqent changes.


The Landing page will highlight the section closest to the top of the viewport.

Scroll to Sections

The Landing page will smoothly scroll to sections when navigating.

Page Header

The Page header will hide when scrolling down and reappear when scrolling up.

Scroll to Top Button

A scroll-to-top button will appear in the bottom corner after scrolling more then one fold of a page.