Tickets Hub

  • This simple version of ticketing platfrom that people could buy and sell tickets related to different events. fault tolerant and decopuled as no dependecny between services.

  • This is application is fully tested , production ready, scalable, fault tolerance


  • Users create account and create and update tickets
  • Users could buy and sell tickets
  • Users could see past orders and state of every order
  • Users use credit cards to pay for tickets

System Brief Description:

This is a simple microservices app has 5 services :

  • Auth: responsible for creating accounts and checking if user logged in and checking if user has account or not
  • Tickets: responsible for creating , deleting , updating , show tickets to Users
  • orders: responsible for creating and cancelling orders related to tickets
  • expiration : responsible for cancelling orders if no payment submitted for specific order in 10 minutes
  • payments: responsible for handling payment for orders that already valid for payments
  • common/shared: not a service but code that every service need and accessible as npm package: @shatatickets/shared

Tech Stack

Client: React, NextJs, Bootstrap.

Server: Node, Express, Typescript.

Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, Skaffold, Nginx.

Event Streaming/Messaging: NATs.

Testing: Jest, Github Actions.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your K8s files or add them as secrets to k8s Pods by apply :

kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=my-key=my-value




  • to start the project easily: use skaffold and you want to add to host file :
  • start skaffold in root directory: skaffold dev
  skaffold dev

Running Tests

To run tests :

  • You should reach directory of each service , then run:
  npm run test
