Cracking Coding Interview Solutions

To use the CLI file generator:

  • Run node fg -n <filename>
  • Files will be generated on TS at the base directory

Solutions checklist:

  • Arrays and Strings
    • Is Unique (Solution - Test cases)
    • Check Permutation
    • URLify
    • Palindrome Permutation
    • One Away
    • String compression
    • Rotate matrix
    • Zero matrix
    • String rotation
  • Linked Lists
    • Remove Duplicates
    • Return Kth to last
    • Delete Middle Node
    • Partition
    • Sum lists
    • Palindrome
    • Intersection
    • Loop detection
  • Stacks and Queues
    • Three in one
    • Stack min
    • Stack of plates
    • Queue via stacks
    • Sort stacks
    • Animal shelter
  • Tree and Graphs
    • Route between nodes
    • Minimal tree
    • List of depths
    • Check balanced
    • Validate BST
    • Successor
    • Build order
    • First common ancestor
    • BST sequence
    • Check subtree
    • Random node
    • Paths with Sum
  • Bit manipulation
    • Intersection
    • Binary to string
    • Flip bit to win
    • Next number
    • Debugger
    • Conversion
    • Pairwise swap
    • Draw line
  • Math and logic puzzles
    • The heavy pill
    • Basketball
    • Dominos
    • Ants on a triangle
    • Jugs of water
    • Blue-eyed island
    • The Apocalypse
    • The egg drop problem
    • 100 lockers
    • Poison