
One on one chat Group chat Multimedia messages (Photo, Video, Audio, Location) Fully end to end encryption Push Notifications Call function CallKit PushKit Firebase users Authentication Firebase storage Firebase firestore (new real time database from firebase) Phone number authentication Custom uicollection views Custom UITableviews OneSignal Sinch Git Source control

Primary LanguageSwift


One on one chat Group chat Multimedia messages (Photo, Video, Audio, Location)
Fully end to end encryption Push Notifications Call function CallKit PushKit
Firebase users Authentication Firebase storage Firebase firestore (new real time database from firebase)
Phone number authentication Custom uicollection views Custom UITableviews OneSignal Sinch Git Source control Screenshot 2019-12-14 14 41 57 Screenshot 2019-12-14 14 42 05 Screenshot 2019-12-14 14 42 13 Screenshot 2019-12-14 14 42 27