
:balloon: Fullstack MERN Ecommerce Application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MERN Ecommerce


An ecommerce store built with MERN stack, and utilizes third party API's. This ecommerce store enable three main different flows or implementations:

  1. Buyers browse the store categories, products and brands
  2. Sellers or Merchants manage their own brand component
  3. Admins manage and control the entire store components
  • features:
    • Node provides the backend environment for this application
    • Express middleware is used to handle requests, routes
    • Mongoose schemas to model the application data
    • React for displaying UI components
    • Redux to manage application's state
    • Redux Thunk middleware to handle asynchronous redux actions

Quickstart Guide

To run this project locally you can use docker compose provided in the repository. Here is a guide on how to run this project locally using docker compose.

Clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/mohamedsamara/mern-ecommerce.git

Edit the dockercompose.yml file and update the the values for MONGO_URI and JWT_SECRET

Then simply start the docker compose:

$ docker compose -f dockercompose.yml up

Database Seed

  • The seed command will create an admin user in the database
  • The email and password are passed with the command as arguments
  • Like below command, replace brackets with email and password.
  • For more information, see code here
npm run seed:db [email-***@****.com] [password-******] // This is just an example.


This application is deployed on Vercel Please check it out 😄 here.

See admin dashboard demo


Some basic Git commands are:

$ git clone https://github.com/mohamedsamara/mern-ecommerce.git
$ cd project
$ npm install

Start development

$ npm run dev

Simple build for production

$ npm run build

Run build for production

$ npm start

Languages & tools

Code Formatter

  • Add a .vscode directory
  • Create a file settings.json inside .vscode
  • Install Prettier - Code formatter in VSCode
  • Add the following snippet:
      "editor.formatOnSave": true,
      "prettier.singleQuote": true,
      "prettier.arrowParens": "avoid",
      "prettier.jsxSingleQuote": true,
      "prettier.trailingComma": "none",
      "javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single",