
this project is a single webpage shows the user several places with markers by clicking on any marker an infowindow is populated providing the name and the address of this place, also the user finds these places in the side bar to choose any place he want, and he can use a search input to search the place he want with name or address.

this project uses google APIs and foursquare API.


to run this project :-

  1. download or clone this project.
  2. open maps.html .

vagrant virtual machine

to install Linux-based virtual machine (VM) :-

  1. Install VirtualBox from
  2. Install Vagrant from
  3. Download the VM configuration from
  4. use your terminal and go to the directory called vagrant using cd
  5. Start the virtual machine using vagrant up command
  6. you can run vagrant ssh to log in to your newly installed Linux VM


to change the places shown in this project:-

1. go ahead to `js` folder
2. open `project.js` in your favourite text editor
3. change the place type in line `35` according to `` by using them own words only
4. change the radius in line `34` to cover any area you want.
5. change the center point where the map start with by changing the `lat` and `lng` values in line `21`.