
Koba Bois discord bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Koba Bois discord bot

This is a bot by which we aim to eliminate the need for all or most of the other bots in our discord server.


.                    : Project Root
├── package.json     : Node package.js file
├── src              : Contains all the source code
│   ├── avatar.png   : Bot avatar
│   ├── config       : Contains all the configuration JSON files
│   │   ├── app.json : Contains application wide configuration - this will be passed to each handler as the `config` argument
│   │   ├── ...json  : All other json configuration files for use in handlers and other modules
│   ├── handlers     : Contains all the handlers - see the Handler section below for details
│   │   ├── help.js  : The handler which handles the help command
│   │   ├── index.js : The core handler mapper - this file automatically detects and loads all handlers
│   │   └── ...js    : Other handlers - add your own handler here
│   ├── helper.js    : Contains project wide helper functions
│   └── index.js     : Application entry point - you most likely will not have to change this
└── yarn.lock        : Yarn lock file


Feel free to clone, make changes and submit a pull request, I would then inspect and allow it if the request passes the requirements below

Requirements for your pull request to be accepted

  • All code must be in JS
  • Each message must be handled individually in it's own handler file
  • JSDoc standard comments must be present on any new handlers
  • All new files must respect the directory structure of the project
  • All the rules below must be followed

Handlers are the basics of the bot. Each command is passed into its respective bot.

  • Handler names should follow the pattern: [command].js
  • All handlers must be inside the src/handlers directory
  • All handlers must export an object with two properties, they are:
    • KEY: This is a string which tells the application which command this handler would handle
    • A property of the same name as the string KEY, eg: if KEY is "help", the handler must export { KEY, help }, where help is the handler function
    • Each handler function must accept { args:string[], message:Message, config:any } as the argument where:
      • args : The arguments which were recieved where the first element is the handler/command name and every other element is other arguments received in order
      • message : The Discord Message object - see discord.js docs for details
      • config : The application wide configuration
  • All handler functions must be asynchronous
  • If you want your handler to simply output a message to the channel where it was invoked on, simply return a string from your handler.
  • If you do not want the handler to output any message or handle outputs yourself (for more control), return null from your handler.