
A simple Laravel package for Open Weather API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Open Weather

This package manages Open Weather API.


This package requires Laravel version >= 6.0 and php version >=7.2.

Version Laravel Version
^1.0 ^6.0


Use composer to download the package

composer require mohamedshuaau/open-weather

Laravel's auto discovery should register the package service provider.

After the installation, you can publish the package content with:

php artisan vendor:publish

The publish command will publish the configuration file to config folder.

Change the default values of the configuration file (API Key etc).

Basic Usage:

Note: Some of these methods requires a paid account from open weather and will not work as intended.

$weather = Weather::getByGeoCoordinates('39.157711', '21.249649')

return $weather;

There are different methods available for different types of data:

//In this example, we will get the current weather
Weather::getByGeoCoordinates('39.157711', '21.249649')

//You can chain different methods of getting the city/state/country information
//in the above example, the geo location is used which accepts lat and long value

Available methods to get the city/state/country:

//Gets the city by name/state code/country code
//params: city name (required), state code (optional), country code (optional)
Weather::getByCityName('New York', '467', 'US');

//Gets the city information by city id
//params: city id (required)

//Gets the city information by geo location coordinates
//params: latitude (required), longitude (required)
Weather::getByGeoCoordinates('12.434333', '34.434555');

//Gets the city information by zip code
//params: zip code (required), country code (optional)
Weather::getByZipCode('34433', '23434444');

Available methods for types of weather:

//with each of these methods, it is mandatory to chain a location method. Eg:

//Gets the current weather information

//Gets the weather information for the last five days with 3 hours difference in between
//params: limit amount (optional)

//Gets sixteen days weather information with per day information
//params: limit amount (optional)

//Gets the hourly weather forecast data (requires paid account)
//params: limit amount (optional)

//Gets thirty day climate forecast data (requires paid account)
//params: limit amount (optional)

//One Call API
//params: exclude (array optional)
Weather::oneCall(['hour', 'daily']);

//Returns historical weather data
//params: limit amount (optional), type (optional), start date (optional|unix date), end date (optional|unix date)
Weather::historicalWeather(3, 'hour', '23124444214', '234234423423');

//Returns current UV

//Returns Forecast UV
//params: limit amount (optional)

//Returns Historical UV
//params: limit amount (optional), start date (optional|unix date), end date (optional|unix date)
Weather::HistoricalUV(3, '23124444214', '234234423423');

Aside from the default configurations available in the published config file, you may override the values with method chaining:

//lets change the language, units and mode

The unit determines the units in measure and the mode is the return data type.

The available units are:

  • metric
  • imperial
  • standard

By default, the unit is set to standard.

The available modes are:

  • html
  • xml
  • json

By default, the mode is set to json.

For more information in detail, you may visit Open Weather API Docs

More features are to come in the future. This package is open for suggestions and improvements.
You are free to use this package and modify it to your needs.